Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day Card making

Each year the kids like to make their own Valentine's Day cards. Since both of the kids are at new schools this year, we decided to make the same cards we made last year because they were so much fun!

Last week, the kids and I took all of their old crayons, took off the paper, broke them up, and put them in heart molds. We melted them in the oven for about 15 minutes at 250 then took them out and let them cool. We ended up with cool looking multi-coloured heart crayons!

Then I went and got some red and blue posterboard and wrote "Have a Happy Valentine's Day... for "crayon" out loud" on the cards. For Little Miss's cards, Ryan drilled a whole in the top of the heart crayons and we made them into necklaces and then used double sided foam dots to attach them to the cards. For Little Man we just attached the crayons to the cards.

The kids will hand them out at their Valentine's Day parties on Friday (Update: We had a snow day on Friday because we got 12" of snow on Thursday so the Valentine's Day parties are delayed until the week of the 15th).

What a great Valentine card idea - I love it that we are not handing out sugar filled candy and the kids had a blast making them :)

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