Friday, July 31, 2009

Crocodile Dock Vacation Bible School 2009

Fear Not!

This year's VBS theme was Crocodile Dock: Where Fearless Kids Shine God's Light!

What an awesome week we had at VBS. I volunteered to be the director for the second year and it was a lot easier than last year - although still a lot of work!

The kids learned the five daily Bible points (reinforced with Crafts, Snacks, and Chadder's DVD):
Day 1: God is with us!
Day 2: God is powerful!
Day 3: God does what he says he'll do!
Day 4: God gives us life!
Day 5: God cares for us!

And they learned a daily Bible story (acted out each day in Bible Bayou & Games):
Day 1: Moses and the burning bush
Day 2: The plagues come to Egypt
Day 3: God spares the Israelites at Passover
Day 4: Jesus dies and rises to new life
Day 5: The Israelites cross the Red Sea.

They rotated through 5 different stations each day: Dockside Drive-In (Chadder's DVD Adventures), Bible Bayou (Drama), Crafts, Games, and Snacks. Each station reinforced the Bible point and Bible story. My mom led the Dockside Drive-In for the second year and Little Miss and Little Man loved being able to see Nana everyday!

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