So today we had our first ever Mother's Day Crawfish Boil 2011!
The crawfish were delivered via FedEx this morning around 10am. My in-laws and my dad came over around 11am to get everything ready for the afternoon's boil. Everyone else arrived at 4pm ~ in all there were 18 people - Bill & Rita, Lara & Ryan, Jennifer and her two kiddos, Linda & Bill, Bill, Mom & Dad, Mark & Lynda, and me & Ryan and the kids.
After dinner we all came inside to exchange Mother's Day presents and Mark (my father-in-law) read us all the following poem that he wrote:
The Wiz
It's 'bout Mother's Day and I been thinkin' just who it IS that is
the Wiz who keeps the family boat from sinkin'.
Now it's sure not Obama, no it's your sweet Mamma,
you know what I'm saying is right.
She's always there full of love and care
so lovely but so fulla dynomite.
She solves the problemas but nobody does she blame-a
she's kind 'n just 'n fair.
But when we get sassy, you'd think she was gassy
She just wanna pull out her hair.
So on Mother's Day, whatta you say,show her you love her and don't be sappy
Cause when Momma don't smile I'll bet you a pile
That ain't NONE of us gonna be happy.
So on the last verse I will be terse and I'll tell it just like it is.
We love you MOM, you're just the BOMB
And we all know that YOU be the family WIZ !
~Mark --on the occasion of the First Annual HTP Mudbug Madness Pre Mother's Day Party